There's so much to consider when running a charity. It takes effort to keep the charity in the forefront of the minds of those who are served and who are willing to serve. Sometimes the sheer magnitude of the tasks that need to be completed can be quite daunting. Despite these seeming challenges; it just needs to be done.

Now that we're past the "warm 'n fuzzies" of entering a new year. You then have to knuckle down and realize there is a lot of work to be done. Meeting with the President Michael Turton, one thing that was realized is that he is relentless. He's always thinking about ways to improve what the Cffb is doing to enhance the quality of life of those struggling with CF on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
His guiding thoughts for this year center around:
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
Make it happen
Is he committed to the efforts of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Barbados? Yes he is. 2018 is going to be a dynamic year!
Yes, The Cffb will be in the planning of their annual events:
The Walk/Run Fundraiser and Awareness Builder
The Gala Fundraiser

Additionally, The Cffb would like to embark on a continuous awareness program. This program would ensure new activities are added which include:
Airline miles program
Hotel Accommodations Program
Cf Research Cure Fund
These programs will be designed to introduce new features to The Cffb which allows the foundation to facilitate medical treatment trips, family vacations, and other activities that can help CF sufferers live a little and take their minds, at least for a fleeting moment, off their illness.
Please visit our website and social media sites regularly to be updated with the information as it comes to hand. At President Turton will say, Let's make it happen!